Instant Intranets with Web 2.0

At our last partner meeting I decided to take the issue on myself. It was on a Wednesday that I volunteered to create a partner intranet by the following Monday. I decided to use JotSpot, the wiki based intranet company started by Joe Kraus. I signed up, decided on my subscription level, and spent a couple of hours on the Sunday morning creating some structure to the site - pages on useful documentation, contracts, sales campaign ideas, a contacts directory, FAQs by topic, etc. None of the 2 hours was anything technical, only content creation. One of the beauties of the Jot wiki approach is that it's as easy to use as Word, but goes beyond standard content management systems and allows easy creation of a new page with a special word style. Everyone has access to the facility, which fosters collaboration, and JotSpot has full version control so if anyone makes a mistake, or writes something we decide isn't helpful, we just roll back to the previous version of that page. I can store any documents and files too.
Jotspot also has a library of plug-in applications, and nice features, like the ability to e-mail content to any page. It is an ideal example of how the Web 2.0 and Software as a Service phenomenon is providing really practical and useful tools for business, if you know where to look. We now have a working intranet, that was created in a few hours, was useful from day one, and costs us $9 a month for our community of 20 users . You can try the service out for free at JotSpot.
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