Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Power of Passion

I don't see enough passion in business these days.  I was talking to an old business colleague today, and we were discussing a company we both used to work for, and we were bemoaning the fact that they don't have a clear product strategy that's voiced with passion by the man at the top.  I suggested this outfit's strategy was little more than making sure they make 10% profit next year.  A laudable goal, but hardly anything to get excited about, or to make you feel part of something special.  They're a traditional software and consulting company of course.
Over at Presentation Zen, Garr Reynolds is talking about it:
The best presenters I have ever seen were not trained actors or professional presenters (though they may indeed present a lot). The best presentations I have seen were from everyday business people, designers, or researchers who (1) had a clear interest in their topic and about sharing it with the audience, (2) had their material down clearly and accurately in their minds and in their visuals, and (3) they displayed a clear passion for the material and made warm connections with their audience, connections that were undoubtedly sincere.
He goes on to say you can't fake it, and it's not about being perfect, but passion matters!
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