Sunday, October 23, 2005

Why business people speak like idiots!

"This is just the kind of synergistic, customer-centric, upsell-driven, out-of-the-box, customizable, strategically tactical, best-of-breed thought leadership that will help our clients track to true north. Let's fly this up the flagpole and see where the pushback is."

"Why business people speak like idiots" is the name of a book by by Brian Fugere, Chelsea Hardaway, and Jon Warshawsky. They know that every day, we get bombarded by an endless stream of filtered, jargon-filled corporate speak, all of which makes it harder to get heard, harder to be authentic, and definitely harder to have fun. You can find out more about them and their book at the Fight the bull website.

Their key message is that this epidemic of bull and boredom presents a real opportunity to us. All those human beings who went to work Monday morning want something better. They don't want disclaimers, non-promises, sugar-coated news or canned speeches. They want someone to capture their imagination, stir their enthusiasm and tell them the truth.

You can also download Fight the bull's rather interesting free software Bullfighter. They describe it as the epoch-defining software that works with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to help you find and eliminate jargon in your documents. It was originally developed by Deloitte Consulting, but is now distributed free through their site. Well worth a visit - plain English and a good sense of humour.


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