UK Small Businesses risking disaster

"Less than 20 per cent of UK small businesses backup their data remotely, even though 82 per cent admit they could not function without it"Professor Jim Norton, Senior Policy Adviser at the IoD, said: For smaller businesses in particular, the owner/manager is in charge of IT. As a result, things like backing up data are way down the list of priorities and are often seen as chores. This is because traditional backup methods, like tape or CD are often time consuming. But times have changed, and backup now requires little or no input from users.
The report also reminds us that having a backup isn't the only requirement, as backup tapes or CDs kept on site can be easily corrupted should a disaster such as a flood or fire strike. Just to make things more worrying, the London Prepared website suggests that 90% of businesses that lose data from a disaster are forced to shut within 2 years. I've seen other reports that suggest the figure is 70%, but let's not split hairs.
One aspect of SaaS solutions is that "best in class" off-site backup comes as part of the subscription price - another reason why you should be giving them serious consideration. But SaaS may not cover all of your systems, and you'll probably have a lot of other data and documents in and around your systems. There are a growing number of online backup solutions available. As well as the BT service mentioned in their report, a quick Google search of "online backup" gives a list for your consideration, with charges starting in the range of £2-5 per Gb of storage per month. I'd suggest this is worthy of some of your time to investigate, and I'd be interested if anybody has any experience they'd like to share. But the maxim has got to be "prepare for the worst, hope for the best".
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